Frank sinatra biografia (ingles)

Páginas: 3 (593 palabras) Publicado: 3 de mayo de 2011
Frank Sinatra
Frank Sinatra was born in a middle-class neighborhood of the city of Hoboken (New Jersey) the December 12, 1915, within a family of Italian immigrants. His mother's family, NatalieDella Garavante, Dolly, was Genoese origin and that of his father, Anthony Martin Sinatra, came from Sicily. His mother, who was the spokesperson for district of the Democrat Party, works as midwife andon several occasions he was in jail for providing abortions forces.
Dolly gave birth to their only child in a traumatic birth after which it was impossible to have any more children and that almostends with the life of the child, which the forceps employees left him a ruptured eardrum and a scar behind his left ear. After having recovered the two, Francis Albert was baptized in April 1916.During his childhood and adolescence, Frank develops two facets features in its future personality: a character, remembered their teachers, bigmouthed and unruly, helped by his fondness for boxinginherited from his father, who had been professional boxer; and his love of music, which at 9 or 10 years led him to sing in a tavern in his father willed by a piano roll. A mixture of both traits led toFrank to try to imitate, in both the style and the style of dress, the great singers of the time, such as Bing Crosby, its main model, Al Jolson. Sinatra would highlight subsequently as friendshipinfluential in its early years the of an elderly Jewish woman, Mrs. Golden, whom he considered almost as a mother, since her real mother absented himself with frequency of the household because of hisconstant activity socio-political. The woman, the singer would have learned Yiddish, a language he knew better than Italian.
In his youth, the athletics and especially swimming were a part of his favoritehobbies. However, never showed much interest in school, leaving class frequently. Attended the institute A. J. Demarest but left in 1931 without graduating and began to work as a seller of...
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