By: Laura García Labastida
Campus Puebla
Case Study
Evaluation:This activity will be evaluated with the same value given to any quizz in the course. A 100 will be the maximum score given to the students that participate with interesting comments.
1. To clarify to students the importance of ethics in their lives.
2. To analyze the characteristics involved in a case that shows an ethical problem to determine different solutions.
3. Tolearn about economic implications of this construction project.
Read the case “Construction of a new international airport in an area close to San Mateo Atenco”. Analyze based on theUtilitarianism and Deontological Theories. Express different solutions.
Students are going to analyze the case based on the Deontological and the Utilitarian points of view.
Based on the Utilitarianismon the case the option of developing the airport would have to be chosen because it will create 3000 jobs in the first year and better opportunities to the inhabitants of the region and to the wholecountry.
Based on the Deontological Theories, it could be stopped the project based on the respect of people. The people that work in the government doing their duties have to protect the citizens’rights. As a consequence, these people must stop the project.
Step 1: Preparation for the case
The profesor:
* Ask each student in the class read the case: "Construction of a new internationalairport in an area close to San Mateo Atenco" and be prepared for the discussion sesión through investigate more about the case in different sources
Step 2: Plenary Session
The professor:
* Givethe following guidelines to the students:
1. Participate in the plenary session
2. Base your discussion in the target questions given by the professor.
3. Present your own...
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