Diferencia Entre La Cultura Latina Y La Americana

Páginas: 5 (1142 palabras) Publicado: 17 de febrero de 2013
In a global context the cultural differences between Native American and Latin American goes back the colonization process from both regions. North America was colonized by people seeking to live and grow, while Latin America more than colonized was looted and violated by individuals who were only looked for their own profit.
The Latin American culture has a mix of races, customs and religionsthat have evolved as the years pass. Latin America countries, share much in common both in the customs, religion, traditions, clothing and food. But there is much controversy in the language because of the idioms, sayings and phrases although that everyone speaks Spanish as their native language. Latin America culture has changed drastically. Where each immigrant brings with him his own culturewhere later mix with other multicultural, but the Latin in general is joyful, volatile, careless, very attached to the family and friends.
Latin American societies can be characterized as follows: fragile political stability, very low levels of integration and social cohesion, high levels of poverty and frustration, incongruities between ambition and its feasibility, social structures composed ofelites with extensive training, who accumulate the most resources, and a large mass with varying degrees of accessibility to basic services in health, education, social protection, otherwise poor quality and efficiency.
The native culture keeps genuine human values alive: solidarity, reciprocity, participation, etc.) and keep community areas and groups in their organization, but also expressweaknesses: machismo, alcohol abuse, excessive fear of divine punishment, etc.
We live a modern and even postmodern culture in the urban centers; the modern culture is individualistic, consumerist and materialistic where predominant an economic concerns as in personal and social life. We are experiencing a neoliberal culture (globalization and privatization), is a culture of the image (the outer, theimmediate, visible, the fast, the surface, the real is what you can see and touch (appearance) and violent (abandoned children, gangs, etc.).
Globalization has meant in practice an invasion and imposition of foreign cultures, particularly American (music, commercial business, media, fashion, etc.) This globalization also affects the religious; there is an increase of religious pluralism andproliferation of different religious movements. This as a reaction to a consumer society, materialistic, individualistic and a little friendly environment community. The New Age is the "light religion” without commitment, individualistic, etc.
We are also experiencing a process of secularization that reduces faith to the private sphere and the intimate, and increasing secularism denying anysignificance beyond the immediate, which is causing an inversion of values ​​and general disorientation especially among young people.
The economic policy has achieved adjustments to the inflation by deregulation of the economy with the opening to international markets, privatization of all or almost all public companies or dismantling of the state and public spending cuts. However, the gradual recovery ofthe economy has also meant a decline in real wages, increasing unemployment and as a consequence increases in the informal sector, an unequal wealth distribution, land concentration in the hands of a few, the relationships have become inflexible, increased consumerism, generalized increase in prices, environmental degradation and economic dislocations caused by foreign capital inflows and theincrease of the external debt resulting more unplayable.
This economic crisis has beaten mostly young people, which is more than half the continent's population and urban culture mostly. This situation has become deteriorating the health conditions safety and education, as well as the lack of employment, stable and fair to the increasing demands of work. Thus we have seen increasing drug use, drug...
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