Consultas Sql Sobre Pubs
2. select title_id, title, type from titles order by title
3. select title_id, title from titles where type ='business' order by title_id desc
4. selecttitles.title_id, titles.title from titles, sales where sales.ord_date = '15/06/1992' and titles.title_id=sales.title_id
5. select au_fname, au_lname from authors,titleauthor where title_id = 'bu1032' andauthors.au_id = titleauthor.au_id
6. select sales.title_id, titles.title from titles,sales,stores where stores.stor_id='7067' and sales.stor_id=stores.stor_id and sales.title_id=titles.title_id title_id, title from titles where price between 10 and 20 and type='business' order by title
8. select au_lname,au_fname,phone from authors where state='ca' and city<>'oakland' order byau_lname,au_fname
9. select emp_id,lname,fname from employee,publishers where publishers.pub_id <>0877 and employee.pub_id=publishers.pub_id order by emp_id desc
10. selectemployee.lname,employee.fname,jobs.job_desc,publishers.pub_name from employee,jobs,publishers where publishers.pub_id=employee.pub_id and employee.job_id=jobs.job_id order by employee.lname,employee.fname tabla1.title_id, tabla1.title from titles as tabla1,sales as tabla2,stores as tabla3 where tabla3.stor_id='7067' and tabla3.stor_id=tabla2.stor_id and tabla2.title_id=tabla1.title_id
1b. selecttitle_id as codigo_titulo, title as nombre_titulo from titles where price between 10 and 20 and type='business' order by title
1c. select au_lname as primer_apellido,au_fname as primer_nombre,phoneas telefono from authors where state='ca' and city<>'oakland' order by au_lname,au_fname
1d. select emp_id as codigo_empleado,lname as primer_apellido,fname as primer_nombre from employee astabla1,publishers as tabla2 where tabla1.pub_id <>0877 and tabla1.pub_id=tabla2.pub_id order by emp_id desc
1e. select tabla1.lname,tabla1.fname,tabla2.job_desc,tabla3.pub_name from...
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