Comparison between cefr and delors report

Páginas: 4 (880 palabras) Publicado: 21 de noviembre de 2011
Comparison between CEFR and Delors Report

As part of the learning process at the diplomado, the students are going to make a comparison between two very important educationaldocuments: “Common European Framework (Chapter five)” and “The Delors Report”, also after the comparison, students are going to give their point of view.
The “Delors Report” was written by Jacques Delors, aFrench politician who was a president of European Commission, also he had always been so interested in education. The UNESCO made him Chairman of the International Commission on Education for theTwenty-first Century. He made a report in 1989, and that inform which studied and proposed the key stages that would be necessary in order to achieve Economic and Monetary Union. And he was an importantman in the educational environment.
The Common European Framework is a base for the elaboration of language syllabuses, examinations, textbooks, etc. It describes what language learners need tolearn in order to use a language for communication that is including knowledge and skills that they have to develop in order to use effectively. In the chapter five of the Common European Framework ittalks about the situations that is involved the communication, in order to develop the communicative competence from the learner or the user of language.
According to the documents CEFR(Chapter five) and The Delors Report, I found in the part of similarities, that CEFR tell us about knowledge of the society and culture of the community in which a language is spoken is one aspect ofknowledge of the world. It has importance to the language learner in many different situations as everyday living, living conditions and interpersonal relations, and Delors report argues that educationhas to face up every problem, both of them, tell us that education, also has the mission to enable each of us to develop our talents, including responsibility and our personal aims, Also according...
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