2- Nothing Important
1- Ahh Ok! Have you seen the stupid ghost?
2- No man, He must to be hidden and frightened in some closet jajaja!
1- Jajaja what if weplayed another joke to the ghost?
2- Yes, it is a god idea
1- Come to the room to plan the new joke
2- Ok come on! This joke should be the best.
Narrator: -The ghost was very tired and annoyedabout the twins and their jokes.
- One day Virginia was walking around the corridor when she saw a person in one of the rooms. To her surprise it was the Canterville ghost himself and he lookedreally sad.
Ghost: -Please come in! I was waiting for you.
Narrator: -Virginia went into the room.
Virginia: I’m so sorry for you my brothers play tricks on me too. I hate my brothers, they neverleave me alone.
Ghost: -I’m going to kill them
Virginia: Will you really make it for me?
Ghost: Virginia I ‘ll do everything for you and I won’t let that they mess with you again. I’ll kill themNarrator: -Having said this, Virginia turned around to leave the room
Ghost: Please don’t go Ms. Virginia.
Narrator: -The ghost cried.
Ghost: -You’re much nicer than the rest of you family and Ilove you please love me without fear, love me without any restriction.
Narrator: Just when everybody was about to leave the dining room, the clock stroke midnight and when the last stroke sounded asecret door open in the wall and in that door stood Virginia with a little box in her hand everybody run up to her.
Narrator: Mrs Otis Said:
Mrs Otis: Child! where have you been?
Virginia: I havebeen with the ghost quickly quickly leave this castle or it will be too late. The ghost will kill the twins
Twin-1: You are are killin’ us? This is so funny!
Mrs Otis: I’m scared something willhappen to them.
Mr Otis: Honey! Don’t worry about the ghost it has always been frightened with the twins jokes.
Mrs Otis: But the twins are in danger.
Mr Otis: They are very intelligent I don’t...
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