Causas economicas

Páginas: 4 (897 palabras) Publicado: 29 de abril de 2011

There are different motivations and explanatory factors in the light of major theories of international
migration. A lot of studies on migrants stress the importance of economicaspects in building a sustainable
motivation for emigration – as cost-benefit or win-win theories (see Afoloyan, 2001, p. 21)
with assumption that migration occurs from labor abundant to laborscarce countries (as the supply
and demand of labor market related to wage differences).
Other macro theories emphasize the role of relations at international level, (such as world system
theoriesadvanced by Wallernstein), which explain international migration through the penetration of
capitalist economic relation into peripheral non-capitalist societies and its disruptive consequences
whichcreate a mobile population prone to migrate (see Arango&others, 1993, p. 433).
The newest micro theories introduce newest elements as (1) prestige and status such as dual market
theory and labor marketsegmentation that explain that international migration is due primarily to
pull factors in the receiving country which permit to avoid structural inflation due to the fact that
wages correspond tohierarchy of expected prestige and status; the migrants maintain links with the
society of origin (from which they derive their status, with stigma and potential prejudice attached to
it), (2) therole of household or extended family in the process of initiation and perpetuation of migration
which is considered as a source of diversifying income and insurance against a variety of risks
(modelas family migration theory, network theory or migration system theory) (see Afoloyan, 2001,
p. 8 and Massey, 1993, p. ), (3) or the spatial aspects or the selectivity of migrants – on age, education,occupation, family status, home ownership, race, ethnic origin.
These theories describe the migration phenomena following the logic of push-pull factors in receiving
or sending countries.

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