Casos para solucion de inventarios

Páginas: 2 (313 palabras) Publicado: 23 de enero de 2011
Example: Bernard Callebaut operates a chocolate shop in Kensington. The annual demand for chocolate-covered cherries is 2,500 units. The setup cost is $15 per order. The holdingcost per unit per year is $0.25. What is the optimum number of units per order? What is the expected number of orders per year? Assuming a 250 day working year, what is theexpected time between orders? What are the total annual inventory costs? If delivery of the chocolates takes 2 days, at what level of stock should a new order be placed?

Q* = =

N= D / Q* =

T = Days per year / N =

TC = (D / Q) S + (Q / 2) H =

ROP = dL =

A Production Order Quantity Example

Q = number of pieces per order
H = holding costper unit per year
p = Daily production rate
d = Daily demand rate
t = Length of production run in days

Setup Cost = (D / Q) S
Holding Cost = ½ HQ[ 1 – d/p ]
Q* =Example: Bernard Callebaut makes peanut clusters. Their forecast for demand is 4,000 units per year, with an average daily demand of 20 units. The production process is most efficientwhen 60 units per day are produced. The setup cost is $15, and the holding cost is $0.25 per unit per year. What is the optimum number of units per order?

Q* = =

A QuantityDiscount Example

I = Holding cost percentage
P = Unit Price

Q* =

Example: Chocolate is ordered by the factory from a supplier in Belgium. Normally the cost for a caseof chocolate is $50, but a quantity discount is provided by the manufacturer, and the cost for quantities of 200 cases or more is $40. Order cost is $25 per order, and theprojected annual demand for chocolate is 500 cases of chocolate. Inventory carrying charge, as a percentage of cost, is 25%. What order quantity will minimize the inventory cost?
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