Belleza, Necesidad O Capricho

Páginas: 3 (685 palabras) Publicado: 12 de diciembre de 2012
Beauty: rectus requirere aut creo riquerere?
-“The first step is always the hardest, but that step can take you into the longest and most marvelous of voyages”-Me
In the modern world, mankind hasstarted a quest; the seeking of beauty, in every possible form. However, this particular quest is not an inherent trait to humans. In the past eras, when mankind struggled to earn its place in thisworld, fighting against adversity in order to survive, the standard of what is now called beauty was minimal, if not nonexistent. Beauty is defined as a trait pertaining to every person, animal,place, object, or idea that provides the observer with a pleasurable experience. Taking all this into account, the rise of this question is unavoidable. Is beauty a natural necessity, or is it an acquirednecessity?
A recount of evolution of mankind through its eras is imperative in order to clarify a question of this nature. Only through thorough analysis a possibility of clarifying this questionarouses.
The Pre-Historic era; by far the most difficult era for mankind, in the beginning, the world was dominated by the animals, and man lived in a constant struggle in order to survive. Wherethe only thing that mattered was remaining alive, where any shelter no matter how battered provided cover against the rage of nature, where mating, ensured the continuity of the species, there was noneed of a beauty standard.
As man assured his domain over earth and moved into what is known as the Ancient era, beauty standards raised. In this era, beauty was more a mathematical theory, whereproportion in the subject granted beauty, and it was constituted by the structural organization of the admired object and its proportionality. This principle would mark the concept of beauty for therest of mankind’s existence. Humans started to settle in habitable areas and organized settlements were built, proportion and organization defined the plans for the urbanization. Though mating still...
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