Aun En Proceso

Páginas: 8 (1790 palabras) Publicado: 18 de abril de 2012
Corporate Social Responsibility is a new way of doing business in the company Which Manages ITS Operations in an Sustainable Economic, Social and Environmental issues, Recognizing the Interests of Audiences Which it Relates to (shareholders, Employees, community, suppliers, customers, etc. ..) and seeking Environmental preservation and sustainability of Future Generations.
Both definitionshave described common elements, in essence, what should be Considered in Determining a company's Social Responsibility and Its scope.
Corporate social responsibility based on the Must Be Expressed by the company values and Must Be Comprehensive embodied in a set of Policies, practices and programs to institutionalize Business Operations THROUGHOUT it. Otherwise, it would fall in the Risk ofImplementing practices That, while socially responsible They Are, by not responding to a mandate and are in danger Institutional culture of Being suspended for Any eventuality, situation, budget crises or change in the direction of the company .An additional element is Important That Should Be supported and CSR 0.5
Encouraged by the high command 8 of the organization. For the Business Centre SocialInvestment (Cedis) 9Of Panama, This Allows the company to increase STI
Competitiveness Through the Development of trust as the basis for your business.
In conclusion, CSR leads to conscious action and Committed to continuous improvement and measure Consistent Which Enables the company generate added value for all ITS stakeholders, and Malthus be sustainable competitive.5
RESPONSIBILITY is the "duty to respond to events or Situations," SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY is the
"Obligation to respond to society in generally and in specific groups to Some." Then the
CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY is the Ability to Understand and respond to all requests That
Various groups make up the environment That to the company.
Also it includesexpectations of conduct, legal, commercial, and public management.
Cemefi a founding member and promoter of Forum Empresa, a hemispheric alliance of national Organizations
share the vision of Promoting Corporate Social Responsibility in America. Business Forum is the network of world's largest Social Responsibility

This perception of CSR as their own marketing departments is morepronounced in
focus groups composed of members (although this is the group with lower ratings
for the rest of the stakeholders). From this view, CSR is seen for some stakeholder
as tied exclusively to the maximization of profit as something instrumental,
devoid of any ethical content

Commitment, reputation, trust, strength and stability in the relationships rather than hierarchy andcoordination, more or less disturbed, of the market, are the key values on which sits the effectiveness of the various embodiments of corporate strategies in the shared goals such as learning, knowledge, strengthening competitiveness, replacing the administrative command regulators by negotiation and proactive vision shared trends, strategic challenges emerging conflicts.

Also in the management ofsocial responsibility
business efficiency and success depend on the ability to bring out the
plurality and rivalry of the values of different internal stakeholders of
the organization and make transparent the criteria for hegemony
of each other.

M. Porter y M. R. Kramer (2002) recomiendan:
Supervisar el buen uso de donaciones a través de resultados, eliminando lo ineficiente.Integrarse en grupos que, conjuntamente, alcancen la masa crítica para llevar un proyecto a buen término.
Considerar el marketing atípico como marketing y mantenerlo si es rentable. Priorizar las acciones que crean valor social frente a las de mejora de imagen.
Ayudar a los beneficiarios a mejorar la asignación de los recursos que se les conceden.
Vincular ayudas futuras a las mejoras en la...
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