The benefit of the efficiency of action in a business

Páginas: 3 (723 palabras) Publicado: 15 de mayo de 2010

Every company or business exists if it profitable. Some of the issues that affect small businesses are not having benefits. A business losesits credibility to grow and develop when it lacks benefits. A company that is not profitable and lacks benefits despite of the goodwill of their managers must arrange resources, both available andattainable in order to reach an optimum balance between them.
In order to support a business, employers should implement ways to continually persuade and motivate investors and sources of capital. Acharacteristic generally identifies the need to take into account the objective of their business clients or the customers.
First of all, the benefit should be the optimal outcome of a business, and thiscan only be measured at the end of a period. This is what proves the employer's ability to achieve its objectives. This benefit serves as feedback or comment and acts as a driving force management,stimulating the search for new ways to achieve good results within a competitive market, bringing higher levels of creativity, marketing, product design and distribution.
Large corporations publishits economic achievements, thus rewarding the members of the organization by the increased benefits, for managers to follow and to acquire some pressure for strategic change if the company sufferslosses. Every business must maximize its potential every year, meaning to obtain the maximum benefit.
A company will benefit if the strategy is based on innovation, motivation and efficiency. Benefits,which increase a company value, will allow equitable distribution and reward to those who are part of it, shareholders, directors, employees, etc. These rewards are needed because it allows people toinvest their time, energy and money into a profitable company; investors have to feel adequately compensated and encouraged to work with their financial contributions in the future plans of the...
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