Páginas: 3 (581 palabras) Publicado: 11 de noviembre de 2014
ESSAY ON THE IMPORTANCE OF HEALTH DEVELOPMENT PERSONAL OBJECTIVE To analyze the importance of health and what pertinentespara care is preserve. HEALTH The definition of the World Health Organization(1946), made ​​it clear that "health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely laausencia disease " may escape from many things that harm us, to mention a job"dangerous" can we get away from someone who wants to hurt, bad weather, etc. But podemosalejarnos of our body, if we make choices that make us feel in poor health, this affects every aspect of our life,mind, spirit, etc. We just have to imagine how difficult queresulta be positive or concentrate when you have a toothache. 's health often determines the quality of life as well as quantity. Health is aconstruction that each individual develops Interspersed throughout his life, this by their habits and in a given environment: social, cultural, etc. . When you get sick, this sensation is unique toeach person and is expressed by culture, situaciónsocial, personality and perception of the world is necessary to remove the bad habits that we harm and inform us so that ignorance does not affect usand attack the disease. quedañen not do things our body. I agree: it's nonsense to say "One thing I have to die," what matters is not how we die, but how we live. also have to be very careful withregard to mentally lasalud, many do not consider. Importance of Health * A good health facilitates achieving higher individual welfare, a high level of social equity and sustained desarrollohumano. * Tomeet the economic and social requirements, the population has to be physically and mentally fit.



Analizar laimportancia de la salud y cuáles son los cuidados pertinentespara preservarla.
La definición de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (1946), dejó establecido que "la salud es un estado de...
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