
Páginas: 3 (502 palabras) Publicado: 27 de agosto de 2012
How does Politic could affect Economy?
There are many events that could affect economy, but Politic is the main factor that generates disturbs in the economy. Politic can stimulate or de-stimulatethe economy with a single announcement or declaration of an influence person. If the announcement is positive the economy have an important growth or if it is negative the economy immediately can beaffected in special when the declaration is about thrusting.
When the politic decision or announcement is inside of the country, it could immediately affect the prices of goods, services, food, etc.,or it also could affect the offer of a certain product or group of products. In an extreme situation, a bad news could generate a big inflation from one week to the following.
Politic announcementsabout relationships with other countries also could generate a big impact in economy. As a consequence, it could produce unthrusting in the markets generating some kind of distress in the market thatdoes not permit an increase of external investment. In some other cases it could generate that another country tries to block the entrance of products.
However, there are also some politic decisionsthat generate a great positive impact in economy, that could increase or motivate external investment, reduce prices because of positive conditions, etc.
If there is any politic decision orannouncement that could affect the security of any other country or group of countries, there is a risk to be isolated from agreements, preferences, and access to credits, etc. When a country cannot access tothe benefits of certain multilateral organisms, it is possible that the country find some troubles to growth or comply with objectives that could help thousands of people. In some extreme cases apolitic decision could generates a war with one or more countries affecting even more the local and regional economy.
A politic decision about increase taxes could start a chain of consequences that...
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