
Páginas: 10 (2495 palabras) Publicado: 7 de junio de 2014
NAFTA Nursing Association
Information for Mexican nurses wanting to work in the United States
Are you caring, responsible and adventurous? Mexican nurses are in great demand in the health care system in the US. The high salaries are a great incentive too.
What are the requirements?
You need to have two to three years work experience in a hospital in Mexico.
You must have a lincenciatura enenfermeria you have to take in English exam to show your English language proficiency. You don't have to pay the full cost of this test. We will pay 50%. When you arrive in the US, you need to obtain a US state nursing lincense. But you don't need to worry about this process. We will organize it for you.
You have to pay a fee of 1760 dollars, but we will reimburse you once you start to work atone of our hospital.

Read the text and answer the questions.
What is the web page about?
What is the educational requirement?
What is the US certification requirement?
What financial aid is offered?
Why do you think mexican nurses might want to work in the US?

Asociación de Enfermería del TLCAN
Información para las enfermeras mexicanas que desean trabajar en los Estados Unidos
¿Es ustedel cuidado, responsabilidad y aventurero ? Enfermeras mexicanas tienen una gran demanda en el sistema de atención de salud en los EE.UU. . Los altos salarios son un gran incentivo también.
¿Cuáles son los requisitos?
Usted necesita tener dos o tres años de experiencia laboral en un hospital de México .
Usted debe tener una lincenciatura en enfermeria usted tiene que tomar en el examen deInglés para mostrar su dominio del idioma Inglés . Usted no tiene que pagar el costo total de esta prueba. Vamos a pagar el 50 %. Cuando llegue a los EE.UU. , lo que necesita para obtener un Lincense enfermería del estado EE.UU. . Pero usted no tiene que preocuparse acerca de este proceso . Organizaremos para usted.
Usted tiene que pagar una cuota de 1.760 dólares, pero le reembolsará una vez quecomience a trabajar en uno de nuestro hospital.

Lee el texto y contesta las preguntas.
¿Cuál es la página web trata?
¿Cuál es el requisito educativo ?
¿Cuál es el requisito de certificación de los EE.UU. ?
¿Qué ayuda financiera se ofrece?
¿Por qué crees que las enfermeras mexicanas podrían querer trabajar en los EE.UU. ?

B. Read the mini profiles. Check the person who is eligible for thiswork opportunity

susana is a newly qualified nurse
Lucio has worked as a nurse for three years and speaks English well
Lupe has worked in a hospital for 5 years. She doesn't speak English well.
Mateo is fluente in English and is completing his licenciatura en enfermeria

What documents do you think ( or do you know) you need in order to get a Mexican passport?

A. Read the web page andanswer the questions.
What type of form do you need to complete?
Which country is it for?
For what situation would you need to complete it?

To get a temporary work permit in canada:
1. You need a written job offer from a Canadian employer to be eligible
2. You must apply for a work permit from outside Canada.
3. Download an application packagehere. Or contact your local Canadian Consulate and get one mailed to you. Go to for a list of offices.
4. determine if you also need a passport and a temporary resident visa. (US Citizen do not need these documents. For a list of other exempt countries contact your local consulate.)
5. You need to pay the correct processing fee. Check with your local consulate for more information onfees, including how to pay them.
6. Complete and sing the application form. Make sure you have included all the required documents and fees. Do not submit an incomplete application form.
7. Do not include any false information in your application. Your application may be rejected.
B. Leer los mini perfiles. Compruebe la persona que es elegible para esta oportunidad de trabajo

susana es...
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