Guerra de korea

Páginas: 3 (508 palabras) Publicado: 4 de noviembre de 2011
Korea was a Japanese colony governed by Japan from the mid-nineteenth century until the end of World War II in 1945. As described by Helie Lee, imperial Japan treated the population with greatbrutality, subjected them to all kinds of abuse and harassment "By 1939, however, all aspects of our Korean society toward were being repressed complete Japanization." (P. 106) However, after Japan'sdefeat, the Allies agreed that the Japanese forces in the Korean peninsula north of 38 parallel would surrender to the troops of the Soviet Union and south of this parallel by the United States, marking thefuture of Korea decisively.

The conflict between North Korea -communist- and South Korea -capitalist- was developed between June 25, 1950 and July 27, 1953. The Korean War was a conflict that haddevastating results for the population "This was a traumatic war experience not only for the combatants but also for the many more unarmed civilians and people who had no professional role in theconflict." (Kwon, p.2) Also, through Lee and her book "Still Life with Rice" it is possible to identify the suffering that Korean people had to live through in  both the south and north. Assimilation intoanother culture-China-by necessity, forced separation from their families, uprooted from their customs and traditions, hunger, disease and loss of identity were some of the most significant lossesthat Korean people had to live during the war. "By the spring of 1950, Every aspect of life got progressively worse on the north side of the 38th parallel. Hopes of eating well, living Comfortably, and,most important, enjoying personal freedom were Dead." (P.185)

Furthemore, "the war was centrally about the struggle for survival by unarmed civilians against the generalized, indiscriminateviolence perpetraded by the armed political forces of all sides." (Kwon, p.4) The Korean War "forced people to close their hearts, to shut out the cries of other people's children. War forced us to worry...
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