Doing business in the european community

Páginas: 4 (955 palabras) Publicado: 21 de septiembre de 2010


The Geneva interim was a great business experience because the lectures and presentations that we attended gave usseveral important perspectives about the business environment in Europe.

Among the most important business aspects learned in this program I can point out, social and business culture, cross culturalcommunication, negotiation, free trade policies and international trade.

Just being in Geneva gave me an overall perspective about the business environment where I could identify three interestingcharacteristics: globalization (business people from all over the world), attitude towards work, and integration of all social sectors into the nation’s economic model.


Due to allthe international institutions based in Geneva, the city offers you a global business and social environment. All these different cultures making business between them requires people to share thebest of knowledge, technology and world wide business practices. Furthermore, globalization implies that business people have to adapt to the multicultural environment in order to develop successfulnegotiations and relationships.

Attitude towards work

I identified some aspects that defined the attitude towards work from business people in Europe:

• Result oriented

• Low contextcommunication
• Business attire
• Ethical behavior (in most cases)
• Nationalists


All social sectors in the European Community are integrated into the nation’seconomic model, which means that most of the time people have the same opportunities to get a job and increase their income in terms of education and skills developed. The free movement of the tabor forcepolicy among the European Community members encourages workers to continuously improve their job skills in order to get a better pay off within a vast variety of job opportunities in country members....
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