Cultura azteca en ingles

Páginas: 19 (4684 palabras) Publicado: 8 de noviembre de 2011
Culture Aztec
The State Mexica (Nahuatl, Ēxcān Tlahtolōyān), commonly called the Aztec Empire Mexican political education was derived from the territorial expansion of the economic dominion of the city-state, Mexico-Tenochtitlan, which flourished in the fourteenth century in Mesoamerica. It was led by the Mexica-Aztecs also known as a people who, according to some historical documents as thePilgrimage Strip, was from a mythical place called Aztlan, which is often located outside the confines of Mesoamerica . However, it seems plausible that the Aztecs were a people of purely Mesoamerican cultural tradition and not the descendants of groups dedicated to chichimecas hunting and gathering.
The Aztecs established Mexico-Tenochtitlan in the middle of the Valley of Mexico, expanding itscontrol into city-states located in the states of Mexico, Veracruz, Puebla, Oaxaca, Guerrero, Chiapas coast, State of Hidalgo, and part of Guatemala . The territory was conquered not a monotonous climate, but also covered such diverse climates as the high altitude polar climate to warm climates. There was a wide variety of ecosystems from coniferous forests, mixed deciduous ecosystems to warm such astropical forests, rocky deserts, deciduous forest, mangroves, tropical forest, among other ecosystems.

Coatlicue, the mother of the gods Mexica. National Museum of Anthropology, Mexico City.

The origin of the Mexica is among the Nahuatl-speaking groups in northern Mexico today and ancestors of the settlers during the call chichimeca stage. Traditionally it was thought that therewas a division between Arid rasa - with mainly hunter-gatherers - and Mesoamerica, with sedentary peoples and farmers. In recent studies we know that it was not and that ethnic diversity has enabled many groups have varying degrees Chichimeco origin of stratification and sedentary, according to regional variations and environmental conditions where they settled. For this to have greater contact withMesoamerican groups and civil uses adopting ways that were already in some way in the north of modern Mexico.
In the twelfth century came the disintegration of Tollan, provoking this demographic dispersion chichimecas Toltec groups advancing on Cholula, occupying it after defeating the Olmec-Xicalancas groups settled there with concerted military aid and Quetzalteueyac Icxicóuatl leaders,leaders of Cholula, in Chicomoztoc. That gained the support of totomiauques, the cuauhtinchantlacas, Acolhua Chichimecs the texcaltecas or Tlaxcala, the malpantlecas, the Zacatecas and tzauctecas. Military alliance that defeated the Olmec-Xicalancas settled in the central highlands of Xochimilco altepetl, Ayapanco, Teciuhquemecan, Texalucan, Tilihuacan, Cuiloc and Auzolco, causing settlement and majorprocesses of ethnic interaction. [Citation needed] Groups chichimecas immigrants not cease to migrate north into the Central Plateau and the valleys of Puebla and Tlaxcala, causing major conflicts and alliances between altepetl.
This migration gave rise to the formation of the populations, with the most important of the XII and XIII-Amaquemecan Chalco, which brought four huge heads with twelveestates and eighteen ethnic groups. [Citation needed] The structure derived from these villages altepetl comprising more or less power will be at the Mexica arrive as the last great migration to the center of the country in search of a place to settle, since the general use in the resolution of conflicts are not usually made with the war which involved the conquest of a altepetl or their destruction,but migration, integrating or disintegrating domains (as the case of the Otomi Xaltocan) and having the mobility of large groups of people by the winners.

Arrival in the Basin of Mexico.

Boturini first page of Codex.
The Mexica were the last great migration chichimeca the Central Highlands, which occurred between the XII and XIV. The official Mexican states myth mythical origin in...
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