Conditional Sentences

Páginas: 2 (342 palabras) Publicado: 13 de junio de 2012
*Profesora Ana Carricaburu

Practical work

Conditional Sentences

1- Put the verbs into the correct tenses.

1. Ifyou (find) .......................a skeleton in the cellar don’t mention it to anyone.
2. If you pass your examination we .............................(have) a celebration.
3. If I press thisbutton what................................ (happen)?
4. I would have voted for her if I ............................(have) a vote then.
5. If you go to Paris where you ..........................(stay)?6. If someone offered to buy you one of those rings, which you.................... (сhoose)?
7. If the fog…………………………. (get) thick the flight will be cancelled.
8. If the milkman ………………………….(come)tell him to leave two pints.
9. If you leave your glasses there someone………………………….. (sit) on them.
10. You would play better bridge if you …………………….(not talk) so much.
11. If I hear the burglaralarm what I ……………………………….(do)?
12. If you ………………………………(read) the instructions carefully you wouldn’t have answered the wrong questions.
13. I would repair the roof myself if I …………………………….(have) a longladder.
14. Unless they turn that wireless off I ……………………………(go) mad.
15. If you saw a Brontosaurus walking down Oxford Street what you……………………(do)?
16. If we ………………………………(run) out of petrol herewe’ll have a long way to walk.
17. If you shake that bottle of port it …………………………………..(not be) fit to drink.
18. Unless he………………………………. (come) with me I’ll probably get lost.Passive Voice

2- Fill the blanks with the appropriate form of the verb

1- A coat __________ in this classroom yesterday. (leave)
2- More than 2000certificates ________ by the school last December. (give)
3- Our house _________ by our aunt last month. (buy)
4- America ___________ by Christopher Columbus in 1492. (discover)
5- The southern...
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