
Páginas: 6 (1304 palabras) Publicado: 25 de noviembre de 2012

Observa la entrevista y , luego realiza estas mismas preguntas a un compañero de clase o a un amigo de tu comunidad. Debes remplazar las respuestas por los datos reales de tu compañero o amigo de la comunidad.

1. What is your name?  My name is Nelson.
2. What is your last name? my last name is Santos
3. How oldare you? I am 13 years old
4. What nationality are you? My nationality is Colombian.
5. What is her name? Her name is Merilyn.
6. Where is she from? She is from Colombian.
7.  Are you married of single? I am maiden.
8. What is your telephone number? my telephone number is 3116004351
9. What is your address? my address is Carrera 27 A 26 a 78
10. What grade are you? I am in 11th grade
11. What day is today? Today is Saturday
12. What day is tomorrow? tomorrow is Sunday
13. When is your birthday? My birthday is on June seventeen
14. What is your favorite subject? my favorite subject is Spanish
15. Who is your father? My father is Raul.
16. What is your favorite music? My favorite is pop and romantic music.

Activity two
CompleteAM - IS - ARE |
Principio del formulario1. She in the house.

2. The dog and the cat in the garden.

3. The woman behind a tree.

4. I Kevin.

5. Carol and I friends.

6. It black.

7. My name Bob.

8. They nice girls.

9. The children in the shop.

10. He a teacher.

11. We hungry.

12. Mrs Dixon funny and nice.13. I twelve years old.

14. Jim and Cathy at school.

15. The elephants tired. Final del formulario |

Activity 3
Simple past

El Pasado Simple es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para describir acciones que han sucedido en un tiempo anterior y que ya han finalizado, por ejemplo:
She cleaned her house. Ella limpió su casa.
I broke the window. Yo rompí la ventana.

Con la formulaestudiada en clase debes realizar 10 oraciones, recuerda llevar el diccionario a clase .

S+ V (PAST) + C
1 she was crying
2 Andres swim in the river
3 we dreamed to be singers
4 Manuela liked to dance
5 I wrote songs
6 they jumped rope
7 you were a good writer
8 Paola liked to read
9 Susana ran in the park
10 I ate at the table
ElPresente Continuo o Presente Progresivo es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para expresar acciones que suceden en el mismo momento en que se está hablando, por ejemplo:
I am speaking English. You estoy hablando ingles. (Está sucediendo ahora).
You are reading a book. Tú estás leyendo un libro.
He is studying the lesson. Él está estudiando la lección.
She is buying a hat. Ella está comprando unsombrero.
It is raining. Está lloviendo.
We are sleeping. Nosotros estamos durmiendo.
You are dancing in the street. Ustedes están bailando en la calle.
They are walking in the park. Ellos están caminando en el parque.

Con la formula estudiada en clase debes realizar 10 oraciones, recuerda llevar el diccionario a clase .

S+ TO BE + V (ING) + C
1 I'm watching the computer

2you're watching TV a

3 she is embroidering

4 He is sleeping

5 we are writing

6 that's a fridge

7 you are singing

8 They are listening to the radio

9 They play soccer

10 He is hearing my cries


Lee el articulo, luego saca aparte palabras que conozcas del texto, luego saca una lista de 20 palabras desconocidas,y luego explica en tus propias palabras en español de que trata el texto.
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